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At the beginning of the School year, we will have an open discussion about why these expectations are important, and what they look like. Each day, we will review these expectations as a class during morning meeting. We will revisit these expectations throughout the year in more depth whenever it is necessary or helpful.


Students will begin with 10 Fuzzies in their cup at the beginning of the week. If they have 10 or more Fuzzies by the end of the week, they will earn their free choice Friday! We encourage positive behavior by giving children a fuzzy each time we see them doing something positive, or working extra hard to follow our classroom behavior expectations. This encourages children to make smart choices, and engage in behaviors that support a positive, friendly, community and learning environment. I believe that the best way to encourage positive behaviors is by reinforcing and drawing attention to the behaviors you want children to continue. It is much more effective to teach children what is expected of them, than spending time telling them what they should not be doing. 

Give me five!

One: Looking Eyes

Two: Listening Ears

Three: Quiet Mouths

Four: Helpful Hands

Five: Walking Feet


In our class...we use kind words and polite manners.

In our class...we listen actively with our eyes, ears, and bodies.

In our class...we work hard to grow our brains.

In our class...we think before we speak. Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?

In our class...we keep our bodies to ourselves.


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